• Stairway to Health, or, Let’s Judge People for Not Taking the Stairs.

    So here’s the thing. I’ve worked at several different places, and am now going to school at a place promoting the ubiquitous Stairway to Health campaign. And here’s the second thing: people are really goddamn preachy when it comes to taking the stairs. I was at work recently when an older man, likely in his…

  • Dear dieting friends,

    I was reading The Rotund’s post about grey areas and lines in the sand, and I could feel the wheels in my brain slowly clunking into action. (They’ve been very relaxed brain-wheels for the last while.) I started thinking about how I feel about having friends who go on diets or whatnot. And I realized…

  • Is eating an addiction?

    In Australia, the New South Wales government is introducing a quitline to help tackle obesity. You call them up, they tell you to stop being so fat, I guess. It’s going to be called a “get healthy” line. Because fat /= healthy fat = smoking (?) There’s the unspoken implication here that people will call…

  • Health at Every Size is not a new diet.

    I would like to state that I am firmly in favour of Health at Every Size. I am a healthcare practitioner and student of nutrition, so that I find HAES an interesting and attractive concept should come as no surprise. That is my bias, as a healthcare nerd. But I would also like to make…

  • A definition of health.

    I was asked, indirectly, to respond to the question “Why do you think you’re healthy?” Definitions of health are important to me, as I’ve spent a lot of time in school and at my job considering what it means to be “healthy,” and watching how those definitions play out in real life. This is what…

Got any book recommendations?