Category: eating
Commenter brilliance – Arwen edition.
I’m not sure if you all know, but the comments section here is often the best part of this whole ice-cream social. Up till now, I’ve just been too lazy to pick out some of the gems for you, but I’m going to start. There are too many hilarious, touching, and/or informative vignettes to let…
“Worthless” foods.
This has become a theme among so many of my clients right now, that I was going to write a really long, involved post about this, but really…I’m exhausted. So I’m just going to do this instead: ALL FOOD CONTAINS NUTRIENTS. NUTRIENTS ARE GOOD FOR YOU. NO, REALLY. I’M SERIOUS. Thanks for playing. Hug it…
Watch me eat a Cadbury Creme Egg.
Getting good at eating.
When I was recovering from dieting, I was terribly conflicted about how to eat. I went through a period where I ate chocolate by the box, and then stopped paying attention to nutrition entirely for several years, because it was too fraught for me. Eventually, I got to the point where I alternated between undereating…
Get Out of Jail Free cards.
I was making my coffee the other morning (I’m an apostate who drinks instant coffee at home, for various practical reasons, most of which have to do with me being a super-clutz who’s broken more coffee carafes than the coffee carafe industry can possibly keep up with) when I noticed something odd about the coffee…