Category: eating
Notes on how I eat.
This is an intensely personal thing to write about, and it’s something I usually avoid, because I absolutely believe that it’s no person’s — especially no fat person’s — obligation to disclose what they eat as a means of justifying their existence. But because this blog is about nutrition, dieting, and normal eating, and because…
The rules of nutrition.
French version of this post here, courtesy Stéphanie Potin-Grevrend. First rule of nutrition: eat or die. Second rule of nutrition: there are no other rules. This is not something you are likely ever to hear from someone in my field, since we make our living by thinking up rules and then pretending they have been…
Eating – the WHAT or the HOW?
This is going to come off kind of weird, but: I don’t actually care much what people eat. I will now take the remainder of this post to qualify that statement. Here’s what I mean: only in certain, limited contexts does WHAT a person eats play a direct role in their health. We’re talking deficiencies…
Dear Fat Nutritionist – does yummifying my food make it less nutrilicious?
(Yes, I just made those words up, and yes, I’m aware that they are completely stupid. Therefore, I will continue using them at every future opportunity, until people beg me in droves to STOP, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, JUST STOP.) Just the other day, I received the following wonderful letter, and nearly broke my…
What’s all this, then?
It’s my blog about normal eating. You’re reading it. So, I’m working on this thing I like to call my Unified Theory of Kicking Ass. What that means is, I’m reading and learning stuff about normal eating and nutrition and how people change their behaviour. I have a pretty decent understanding of this stuff already,…