Category: eating
Stuff people assume I believe vs. stuff I actually believe.
French version of this post here, courtesy Stéphanie Potin-Grevrend. This post has been sitting in drafts for several weeks, but I figured now was as good a time as any to actually publish it. 1) That the food industry is AWESOME. In one sense, industrialized food production is an amazing thing that allows an unprecedented…
The inevitable holiday post.
It’s true, Thanksgiving is a weirdly imperialist semi-genocidal sort of holiday, but hey, at least we can enjoy the tradition of getting together with family and eating a bunch of mashed potatoes! Or can we? If some people’s relatives had their way, the answer would be a resounding HAHA, SUCKER! Because certain people exist only…
Food addiction, natural rewards, and self-fulfilling prophecies.
French version of this post here, courtesy Stéphanie Potin-Grevrend. Warning: in this post I disagree with certain ideas and express opinions based on my own thinking, experience, and education. Ready your smelling salts. In an earlier post, I wrote about why some people find food restriction comforting and reassuring. Today I want to talk about…
Why dieting works (for some people, some of the time.)
I don’t actually want to talk about the weight-loss aspect of dieting in this post, even though that is what you’re most likely to think of when you think of whether or not dieting “works.” If short-term weight loss were the sole barometer of success, then just about every diet you can think of, including…
Happy Thanksgiving
Hi Americans – it is a holiday weekend here in Canada. I am sitting around with my sore wrist in a brace instead of blogging. For those of you hate-reading my blog right now, welcome and carry on. People do so love to be slightly irritated. I probably won’t approve your comments, though. Further reading:…