Category: eating

  • Food and exercise are not matter and anti-matter.

    French version of this post here, courtesy Stéphanie Potin-Grevrend. How often do you hear someone say they need to “work off breakfast,” or that they spoiled their workout by eating some calorific food afterward? I hear it quite a bit, and it always bothers me. Let me count the ways. First of all, reducing food…

  • From grazing to structure.

    The other day, a client asked me how one makes the transition from grazing to regular meals. The first problem being that it sounds very scary. I agree. It’s scary because, if you have any history of hunger, whether due to not having enough money to buy food, or what I like to call “self-induced…

  • Perfectionist cooking paralysis.

    I’m having a problem with perfectionism – namely, when it comes to writing. I can think of ideas for posts, but I can’t make them exhaustive enough, or perfectly researched enough, or even typo-free enough to bother writing at all. This partially explains why I’ll go over a month (two months?) without posting. Part of…

  • When eating falls apart.

    Every round of groups I teach, there is something that I want to work on for myself. For the past three months, it was eating regular meals at regular times – something that I struggle with given my flexible and unpredictable schedule, and the fact that I eat with people for a living. Early in…

  • Lesson Seven – Finding fullness.

    Close on the heels of checking in, but also permission, comes the sometimes-tricky issue of figuring out when you are full. If you have been eating regular meals at regular times for a while, then chances are pretty good that you are developing regular and consistent hunger signals. This tends to happen when your body…