Category: eating
Surprising results from my totally unscientific survey.
I recently asked a bunch of people what, if anything, they would most like to change about their relationship to food. As expected, since people vary, there was a wide range of responses, all of which were cogent and wonderful. I guess I had my suspicions about what issues would be most popular. I expected…
Food you like is food that feels good.
French version of this post here, courtesy Stéphanie Potin-Grevrend. One of my most scandalous messages is that you should eat whatever you want, in whatever amount you want. What scandalizes me is how people often interpret this message. Over and over again, this is how people respond: “I can’t do that because I would eat…
Notes on “Heavy.”
I don’t normally write about TV shows. In fact, I purposely avoid watching TV shows about nutrition, fitness, and weight loss because they annoy me, and my yelling at the television then annoys my husband. But when I saw the advertisements for A&E’s new show Heavy (in between advertisements for Hoarders and Intervention, in case…
Watch me eat pickled herring.
Previously: Watch me eat a Cadbury Creme Egg. P.S. If there’s a food you want to watch me eat, leave a suggestion in comments.
Meals, or The appropriate use of discipline.
I define structure as the space within which things can happen. And I think discipline (or “willpower” or “control” or “forcing yourself”) is best applied in the service of creating structure. It seems to me that everyone has a little tyrant living inside them. The tyrant, if it cannot be exorcised, must be exercised —…