Category: Fatness

  • On the problem of happiness.

    I’ve thought about this problem before, but a recent comment brought it up again: What about fat women who’ve tried to love themselves and have failed at that too? It’s a curious dilemma. I mean, what do you do when not only diets have failed you, but your effort to try and accept yourself has…

  • Why I’d rather be fat, part 2.

    As my husband and I walked through Chapters one night, I saw a book in the bargain section that caught my eye. It was called Losing It: America’s Obsession With Weight and the Industry That Feeds on It by Laura Fraser. I laughed a little to myself, and picked it up, smugly thinking, “What is…

  • Why I’d rather be fat, part 1.

    When I was married, at age 20, I weighed around 190 lbs. At the time, I had been living on my own right up until I came to Canada for my wedding, and I felt pretty good about myself. I didn’t care so much anymore what I looked like (I mean, I still combed my…