Category: Humane Nutrition

  • Lesson Seven – Finding fullness.

    Close on the heels of checking in, but also permission, comes the sometimes-tricky issue of figuring out when you are full. If you have been eating regular meals at regular times for a while, then chances are pretty good that you are developing regular and consistent hunger signals. This tends to happen when your body…

  • Lesson Six – Checking in.

    When discussing emotional eating, I described a method of doing what is often termed “mindful eating” – picking a delicious food, sitting down alone with it in a comfortable place, giving yourself permission, and then eating it without external distractions. This is basically what is meant by “mindful eating” when it is discussed as part…

  • Nutrition agnosticism.

    On this blog, I talk a lot about the how of eating, with little attention to the what. There are a few reasons for this. One is my belief that, until you have a solid foundation for how to eat, it’s very, very difficult to make positive changes to the “what.” Before you can decide…

  • Red meat and mortality – this one’s for you.

    So, you all saw that headline about red meat being unequivocally Bad For You, right? The headline was super scary – “All red meat is bad for you, new study says” according to the Los Angeles Times. Very scary, very definite-sounding. I tried to avoid looking at the study all day, because I knew it…

  • The Last Supper Syndrome

    Happy Mardi Gras! Also known as Fat Tuesday. Or Shrove Tuesday. Or pancakes-for-supper. It struck me as an odd coincidence that, just last night, I was talking with one of my groups about the thing I call the Last Supper Phenomenon. Here’s how it happens: Something happens that makes you feel bad about your weight.…