• Some lines on reading a Weight Watchers study.

    So, the other night, I started reading this 2008 study, which looked at how well Weight Watchers Lifetime Members do at maintaining their weight loss for up to five years. The first part of the paper, as usual, describes the set-up of the study, and the demographic details of the people who participated. This is…

  • Food isn’t poison.

    One thing I dislike about nutrition is how often we discuss eating as though it’s something incredibly dangerous that people must do just right or risk INSTANT DEATH. When society has become so risk-averse that we can’t even enjoy food, you know something is terribly out of whack. Barring allergies, intolerances*, non-functioning organs, and foodborne…

  • From the Shit I Could Have Told You files – Bullying is bad for you.

    A study just published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry found that adults who were bullied as children were more likely than others to suffer from depression and anxiety, as well as a host of physical ills, including fatigue, pain and a greater susceptibility to colds. …scientists suspect that the daily stress…

  • Hilarious shit my husband says.

    So…my husband. He’s Canadian, right? We both are, now, but I was BORN (and raised) IN THE USA!!! just like Bruce Springsteen. And I love America, to be frank. I love it in a way I never loved it when I still lived there. I love it in its brashness, its tackiness, its cultural ridiculousness.…

  • Slim Chance Awards and the joys of skepticism.

    So, while I’m still on hiatus (I know, it’s the most internet-ey internet hiatus in modern history), I’ve found myself thinking a lot about what I’ve come to call “diet apocrypha.” Apocrypha includes scammy fad diets, folk remedies, superstitious beliefs about food/eating, old wives’ tales, and that mysterious “American Heart Association Diet” that was faxed…

Got any book recommendations?