• On hiatus. For serious this time.

    ETA: So, I lasted about a week and then broke my hiatus. No, I don’t want to talk about it. Still not really taking email questions until I’m caught up, though. The Fat Nutritionist is taking a hiatus until February 5, because I seriously need to study some chemistry! And I keep getting distracted by…

  • If only poor people understood nutrition!

    French version of this post here, courtesy Stéphanie Potin-Grevrend. It seems like some people are constantly wringing their hands about how poor people eat (to wit: badly.) And the most popularly proposed solution is to teach them (“them”) more about nutrition! Or educate them in general. Because obviously they just don’t know what they’re doing.…

  • Just so you know.

    January’s a crazy month schoolwise for me (and if you hadn’t already guessed, I was on holiday for the bulk of December), but I will be back plugging away at the old routine come February. I’ve actually got several posts in the pipe right now, but no time to finish them off to my satisfaction.…

  • Don’t be poor (and other New Year’s resolutions.)

    Diabetes death rate drops — primarily among rich people. This is my SURPRISED FACE. Especially since, in 1995, the World Health Organization identified poverty as “the biggest single underlying cause of death, disease and suffering worldwide.” In a hilarious-because-it’s-sadly-true list posted to the Wikipedia article on the social determinants of health, a typical list of…

  • DIET POP CULTURE – Amphetamines are your friend!

    (Okay, so not really.) This video shows Brigid Polk, one of the members of Andy Warhol’s Factory — a former society girl whose mother forced her to diet from a young age — describing how she uses speed instead of various reducing salons, yet insists on not being “uptight” about being the fat girl in…

Got any book recommendations?