• Rules vs. trust in eating.

    So, for large swaths of us in the Western hemisphere, the holidays are approaching. Which means my favourite thing in the entire world is happening (it’s true!!!) — Magazines are giving out advice on HOW NOT TO BE A TOTAL DISGUSTING PIG, YOU FUCKING SLOB. Yessss. Seriously, I wait for this all year. Like Christmas…

  • Allies coming out of the closet.

    In response to the ridiculous Lincoln University fat-students-can’t-graduate debacle, some allies of Health at Every Size have stepped out of the shadows. In an unprecedented show of concern, The Academy for Eating Disorders (AED), Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA), Eating Disorder Coalition (EDC), International Association for Eating Disorder Professionals (IADEP), and National Eating Disorder Association…

  • DIET POP CULTURE – Are those sausage pants or are you just happy to see me?

    “Easy to inflate.” Well, thank heavens for small mercies. Otherwise, you might never be able to realize your dream of sporting the WORLD’S LARGEST CAMELTOE. And if that doesn’t do it for you, there’s also a long version: ETA: The following is courtesy of Twistie, in comments: Monty Python’s Trim Jeans Theatre. Diet Pop Culture…

  • Critical dietetics.

    The following is an excerpt from Critical Dietetics: A Declaration, something I was lucky enough to witness being born early this summer. …we acknowledge that food is more than the mere sum of its constituent nutrients. We recognize that human bodies in health and illness are complex and contextual. Moreover, we recognize that the knowledge…

  • Diet pop culture: Dolph Lundgren’s Maximum Potential.

    From my sweethearts at Everything Is Terrible! — isn’t it odd how the face of MAXIMUM FITNESS looks an awful lot like the face of serene sociopathy? Either way, this dude — with his short shorts, his Nair-smooth legs, and his zinc-oxide lip balm — is basically my ideal man. (Well…except for the shorts, the…

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