• Dear Fat Nutritionist – You’re pretty good looking (for a girl.)

    French version of this post

  • Notes on how I eat.

    This is an intensely personal thing to write about, and it’s something I usually avoid, because I absolutely believe that it’s no person’s — especially no fat person’s — obligation to disclose what they eat as a means of justifying their existence. But because this blog is about nutrition, dieting, and normal eating, and because…

  • Portal to the Fatosphere and other housekeeping.

    With Shapely Prose’s recent departure from the Notes from the Fatosphere feed, I’ve heard some people say, “What site will I now visit as my point of departure onto the feed?” And I’m humbly hoping, now that I’ve repaired my Fatosphere RSS widget there on the sidebar, you’ll consider this site for the job. I’ve…

  • Diet pop culture: Trim Twist.

    I don’t know what in the hell this thing does, exactly, but I do know this woman looks like she’s having an awesome time: I don’t know — if losing weight in the ’60s meant wearing a modified sporty beehive, some Keds, and a look that says “I’m about to win first place in a…

  • Dear Fat Nutritionist – do people trust you?

    I’m beginning to work through my email archives of letters people have sent me. Here’s one that I absolutely loved. (I’ve added my own emphasis and omitted some identifying details.) Dear Michelle, I’m wondering what it’s like to be a fat nutritionist. Just to give you my background, I’m in recovery from an eating disorder.…

Got any book recommendations?