• News – Unhyped obesity associations: inequality, hunger, and dieting.

    When it comes to black-box epidemiology, wherein associations and correlations are drawn between two or more conditions, but where the causal mechanisms behind those associations are left shrouded in convenient mystery, nothing seems to gratify researchers more than showing how fatness (i.e. “obesity”) is associated with a host of scary-sounding chronic diseases, while implying that…

  • Shit that pisses me off — fat students not allowed to graduate, and other headlines.

    If you’re fat, too bad — no degree for you. Not until you’ve been rehabilitated and/or re-educated, that is. Lincoln University has a new policy whereby students with a BMI over 30 are required to either lose weight or take a “Fitness for Life” course. Since they’re obviously too fucking dim to understand anything about…

  • Quick check-in. And tapeworms.

    Hey all. It’s been quiet here lately, mostly because I’ve been sick for a couple of weeks. And I’m leaving town next week, so it’ll be a bit longer. If you’ve emailed me and I haven’t responded, I’ll get back to you just as soon as I’m back home and on my feet again. Anyhow,…

  • The rules of nutrition.

    French version of this post here, courtesy Stéphanie Potin-Grevrend. First rule of nutrition: eat or die. Second rule of nutrition: there are no other rules. This is not something you are likely ever to hear from someone in my field, since we make our living by thinking up rules and then pretending they have been…

  • Diet pop culture: FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT.

    Another one from my homeslices at Everything is Terrible. Because I luff them. Includes an offensive Mr. Yunioshi-style cameo of a “Chinese” waiter, holy shit. Try adding some fat to your fat — you’ll be so fat, you might just fat yourself.

Got any book recommendations?