• Er, hi there.

    So a lot of you have probably already seen it, but I wrote a little thingy for Kate Dailey’s awesome blog, The Human Condition, over at Newsweek, where they’re doing an interesting series of articles called The Fat Wars. I kind of didn’t know what to expect when I wrote it, but, as it turns…

  • Diet pop culture: Lucky Strike.

    “Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet” is probably one of the more well-known taglines in advertising history. That doesn’t prevent it from creeping me the fuck out every time I encounter it. And you’ll never guess who the inspiration was for this little gem — In the November 19, 1948 issue of Printers’…

  • Eating – the WHAT or the HOW?

    This is going to come off kind of weird, but: I don’t actually care much what people eat. I will now take the remainder of this post to qualify that statement. Here’s what I mean: only in certain, limited contexts does WHAT a person eats play a direct role in their health. We’re talking deficiencies…

  • Diet pop culture: Dietene (with Vitamin G!)

    Good Housekeeping, June 1935 My first thought was, “What in the HELL is vitamin G?” Turns out that’s what they used to call riboflavin (now known as vitamin B2.) Mmm, riboflavin. My second thought was — “a shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch…and then a sensible dinner!” And this is from 1935, when, apparently,…

  • Diet pop culture: Aromatrim.

    Would you believe that smelling something utterly disgusting might kill your appetite for otherwise tasty food? Me neither. Making food unpalatable = instant willpower. Or you could just move to a tiny apartment with three cats who share a litter box. And who have impeccable bathroom timing (i.e. mealtimes.) WHY NO, I’M NOT BITTER. Anyway,…

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