• DIET POP CULTURE – The Playgirl workout, a.k.a. “sweaty dudes with mustaches.”

    Because I have a sick fascination with all things related to diet culture, I figured I would start posting ridiculous bullshit on my blog periodically. (I mean, ridiculous bullshit other than me talking.) And I don’t intend these posts to come from a place of pure derision and bitterness, but actually just because I think…

  • Hey looka there, it’s the New York Times.

    With another Fatosphere article. And a shorter one on intuitive eating, featuring Kate Harding. (Both articles are by Mandy Katz, who, I have to say, seems like a cool lady.) I even have quote in there! God knows I never thought I’d see the day when I’d be saying “Hey, look, it’s a Fatosphere article…

  • Empathy: not your strong suit.

    A perfect example of why I quit Metafilter. This comment recently received 270 favourites. An excerpt: I work in healthcare. I belong to the Church of You Don’t Deserve This. I take care of alot of patients who, IMO, don’t deserve the medical care that I dispense. I know this is going to make me…

  • Dear Fat Nutritionist – does yummifying my food make it less nutrilicious?

    (Yes, I just made those words up, and yes, I’m aware that they are completely stupid. Therefore, I will continue using them at every future opportunity, until people beg me in droves to STOP, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, JUST STOP.) Just the other day, I received the following wonderful letter, and nearly broke my…

  • Are fat people unhealthy? (part 2)

    Continued from part 1: …For health practitioners, particularly those enamoured with biochemical indices and relative-risk reduction strategies, the notion of one, simple solution [weight loss] to a myriad of chronic diseases — and possibly to mortality itself — is eminently seductive. Sadly, I also think it’s wrong. Why is it wrong? Because, first of all,…

Got any book recommendations?