• Health At Every Size: choice or coercion?

    I wanted to address was something I read a while back, and have been sort of turning over in the back of my head ever since. [Via The Fat Girl.] These are the fat acceptance zealots — using fat acceptance and ‘in your face’ fat imagery and messages in order to shock the world into…

  • Why diets are stupid.

    If you don’t already know, I’m going to be the one to break it to you…and you can trust me on this. Diets are stupid. The word ‘diet’ has become terribly perverted from its original, life-affirming definition. In the original sense, diet meant: “food and drink regularly provided or consumed; habitual nourishment.” (www.webster.com.) In the…

  • 98% figure and Weight Control Registry.

    I found a fascinating PDF file* on the internet regarding certain myths about dieting/nutrition. One of the myths mentioned was the oft-quoted “98% of diets fail” statistic. This paper makes a valiant effort to show why the number is a myth but, in my opinion, falls short. Why? Because they claim the number comes from…

  • On the problem of happiness.

    I’ve thought about this problem before, but a recent comment brought it up again: What about fat women who’ve tried to love themselves and have failed at that too? It’s a curious dilemma. I mean, what do you do when not only diets have failed you, but your effort to try and accept yourself has…

  • My fatty debutante ball.

    Last night, I came out in public as a fat person. This affected me far more deeply than I thought it would. So, I woke up early to type up my presentation on Thursday morning since my computer had swallowed my unsaved first rendition. I was nervous, and felt unprepared. At work I did some…

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