When health is not on your side.
This post is part of the crowdfunding campaign for my dietetic internship. It is not intended to replace advice from a doctor or other health care practitioner. It represents my opinion alone and not any organization of which I am a member. Dear Michelle, How can one achieve Health at Every Size if they don’t…
Watch me eat raspberries.
I made a new eating video just for fun, but then it became the video for my fundraising campaign for my upcoming dietetic internship. (Since videos of me talking are booooooring.) Video transcript If you want to help out, share my campaign, or get yourself a perk (including an ebooklet, private forum membership, t-shirts, and…
What I’m saying, and what I’m not saying.
Since people seem to be awfully confused. What I am saying: “Weight loss interventions have very low permanent success rates for most people.” What I’m not saying: “No one in history has ever lost weight permanently in a healthy manner.” Health At Every Size is, fundamentally, a weight-neutral approach, which means it focuses directly on…
Why I’m doing a dietetic internship.
For the last four months, I’ve been working on something pretty exciting. When I graduated from my nutrition program, I wrote, very emotionally and fairly defensively, about not being a Registered Dietitian. I wrote about how, even though my original intention in starting school was to become a dietitian, I had discovered that in order…
Cooking for yourself: You are worth the effort.
I think this is a lesson that all of us could stand a refresher in, myself included, as we continue down the path toward feeding ourselves like competent adults. Caveat: Feeling that it’s not worth the effort to prepare food for yourself is very different from literally not having the energy or resources to prepare…
Got any book recommendations?